Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Administrative Professional Day

If you are an admin, Happy Day to you. I was appreciated at my office. Cards, Flowers, candy, a beautiful teapot, and a lunch invitation. It's been a difficult few months in my new department at work and most of the worker-bees know it. My mission is the same whether I have a boss/manager with integrity or not. I am here to serve. I have several mottos. One is "whatever it takes" and "it is my pleasure to serve you." Heard Steven Covey's presentation to Admins today and learned that I am doing a lot of things right. There is a purpose to my being there and even though my time there may be brief, it will be meaningful and will speak of purpose and eternity and integrity. The way one does one's job and treats people is significant. What I have to give the corporation are the gifts I receieved from God; like humility, grace, peace, forgiveness and the knowledge of who I am and Whose I am.

We have only 6 business days to our big move uptown. I am looking forward to it and hope that my physical frame holds out. There is a lot of pain in moving and sorting files. We will need to pack several people's belongings as they are unavailable for one reason or another. I am going to need supernatural strength to do my job well.

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Celebrated Marie's birthday last night. Had a great meal and a great time with cousins Joanne and Marie. Marie is a wonderful person. I love her a lot and am grateful that God put her on the planet. I learn so much from her. We always have a lot to talk about. Got her a nice pink petunia hanging basket, made a card and put beaded earrings in. Stopped at Joanne's first and waited for Marie to get off work, then met Marie at the restaurant. Went to Marie's house after. Their homes look so beautiful. Great evening. Needed that.

My daughter Renee had her interview with Children's Hospital of Philadelphia yesterday. We are hoping that she gets that position. It will start in August.
That is the month that things change at work too. Major reorganization that will scatter this dysfuntional department that I work in. I have been working so hard since I arrived in January, and lately even harder than usual with the move about to take place May 5. So many things need to be arranged, sorted through and re-filed and even destroyed. My boss called me into her office with the union rep, shut the door and wanted to intimidate me with all that. She had a complaint. I was asked to destroy a binder and all of it's contents and I kept a comic and cut it out and put it on my cube wall. I thought she would be amused and even complimented. No. She had a problem with that and said that it caused to doubt she can trust me. I was silent for a long time, unbelieving. Then apologized. "didnt think" This woman is so strange that it is hard to believe. I should be receiving commendations for a job well done above and beyond expectations. No other boss that I have ever had would have had time to even notice a comic on a wall let alone care. Meanwhile, she's working as little as possible. Surfs the net, goofs off with her chosen few friends. Worst manager I have ever seen, and that is saying something! I am highly complimented that this is all she could find wrong in a month of really looking since I grieved her unreasonable behavior of last month. I can not wait to get away from her. I did bid out on another position in Experimental Medicine that I really want, but have not yet heard anything yet. Will start bidding out on anything that comes up on the boards starting Monday. If I have to leave the union or the company I will not hesitate. There has to be another place in this world where I am needed and even appreciated. So tired of this department and all of its troubles.

So, lots of changes on the horizon. Looking forward to what is to come, even though it might be a bit bumpy for a bit.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter vacation

Church was great yesterday and the weather was perfect for an Easter Sunday. Pastor focused on the character of Thomas and his reaction to the resurrection. Great character study. Last year, he focused on Mary Magdalen. Thomas is famous these days for his connection to his supposed gospel and Gnosticism (the body is evil, the resurrection was about spirit) So, it's ironic to me that he is the one who wanted to touch the wounds. Just focusing on that one life, that one reaction... written there to prove that it was a physical death and a physical resurrection. It is good to think on these things. I like to read a book this time of year called, "The Resurrection of the Shroud" by Mark Antonacci...I didnt come across it this year because my books are scattered at this point. (must organize!) I like to think that the shroud of Turin is authentic. Mark has some convincing research in his book. Even if it is not the burial shroud of the Lord, it does cause one to meditate on the actual real event. Further, if it is not authentic, it is an amazing work of art. My faith does not depend on it either way. I've been convinced both ways at different times in my life.

Although I missed having my daughters with me, we did have our traditional meal of ham, potato salad, pineapple bread pudding, and baked beans. Just the two of us..Court seemed to enjoy dinner. Actually opened a bottle of wine. That was his homage to my holiday, I guess. He mocked me a bit while he was cooking breakfast for himself. "The Lord is risen," he said with a smirk, "Indeed," I said. I did talk about Pastor's Thomas sermon a bit at dinner. And repeated the story of the six year old who had a visit with Jesus. The Lord told him that he would be coming home with Him soon. That night his mom found that his hip was swollen and he had cancer and did go to heaven two years later. But Court was busy reading his "how to live a long life" book. Run, Court, Run. The Hound of Heaven is after you. I wanted to pray out loud, but I was afraid that I would say something terrible like, "Thank you Lord, that Court is here to enjoy this meal, as there is no ham and potato salad in hell." So, no prayer out loud. "so that they might be won without a word." right.

The rest of the day was spent playing with T and R and making beaded jewelry. Matter of fact, today is another personal holiday and I am continuing with beading, although I promised myself today would be for painting. Just a few more chores and I will get right on it. Have a few cards to make, and some cartoon ideas I need to get on paper.

Funny thing happened on the way to church yesterday. There was a man in front of me in a blue and white dodge truck. He was the spitting image of my father about 10 years ago. I called my mom just to see where he was. He was with her on their way to my sister's house. I was convinced it was him! Wish I had the guts and presence of mind to jump out of my car at the light and ask if I could take his picture with my phone. I really thought it was him for a long time, but he would have been really off his normal path, he doesnt drive a truck anymore let alone anything else, and then I was in Northeast Philadelphia! Then the dad-a-like started smoking. Dad never smoked. I know that man noticed me staring at him funny, and kept checking in his side mirror at me.

Wait.. what's that noise??? It's the Dyson!! It's an easter miracle!! Because I have so much pain lately and especially today, I asked Court to find it in his heart to vacuum today and he's ACTUALLY DOING IT!!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Perfect Day

Today feels like summer with its perfect weather. Weeping cherry is in full bloom. Magnolia petals falling fast. This is the best week for blooms. Trees are not in full leaf, still budding, so you can really see all the light and shadow of the woods. I saw the beaver hut today, finally. Walked to the very back of the yard where our used christmas trees go to die, and really saw the huge mound that is their home. You can't see it when everything is green. Hard to believe how many trees have come down with just two sets of teeth. Perhaps there are more now, I am pretty sure I saw a small beaver a couple of weeks ago. But I have not seen any other activity. The neighbors may have had the beaver family trapped and moved.

I was able to do most of my favorite things in one day. Spent a lot of time with T and R, throwing the ball and walking around the property. So beautiful! I Shopped for more beads and beading supplies at the town bead store, making a pair of earrings and two necklaces and one bracelet. They are the best I have ever made.
I bought high quality beads. I love it when the beads seem to come together from the different collections that I have. Did the food shopping and preparing the meal for tomorrow. Easter is so easy. Ham, potato salad, baked beans, pineapple bread, green salad and broccoli. I made candied walnuts for the salad too. Would be a nice meal for the family, but it is only Court and myself tomorrow. Mom and Dad are going to Patty's house for her birthday/Easter.

I got to read a lot today too. Art magazines, catalogs. Tomorrow, I'll make another batch of dog biscuits and then I'll draw and paint and really top off a great vacation. For the watercolor, I have to make an appointment with myself and push and just do it because I get these blocks and won't allow myself to do what I love the most because of the bit of perfecionism that I have about this art. If I make time to do it every day no matter how tired I am, that will be a big help. Each Sunday it is hard to pick up from where I left off from the last Sunday. I have this idea that I have to be completely rested to really paint well. The only day I have free in the good light is Sunday afternoon. When I get back to work on Monday and if I have not painted, I dont feel as if I had a complete weekend. Painting is that healing for me. I beleve it is for others too. Everyone needs to find something that they make. It's good for the soul.

What do you do?

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday

This is a picture of me at age 4. I like it a lot. Having some trouble posting pictures, message says it's always illegal characters or too many characters.

Great day off. Cell phone still sounds alarm even when set to "meeting". Rested and recovered from work all morning. Went to the doctor in the rainy afternoon. Dr. ordered a bunch of tests and had lots of suggestions for other doctors. Recommended a counsellor. I guess they dont like to give a script for anti depressants unless pt is seeing a counsellor. I'm not opposed, but I just wonder what anyone can do for me at this point. I would rather spend the money on massage therapy. Linda does the best job for me and will listen to me too if I feel like talking. If you ever get your internet up and read this Linda, HI, and thanks for all you do!! Better than a bunch of doctors and meds.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Steps of the Good Man...

No doubt in my mind that my steps were ordered last evening as I stepped onto the pet cemetary ground. My foot brushed across a bronze plaque and read the name of a woman that I work with. When I asked her this morning if her husband's name was Bill and if she once had a dog named Bailey, she said yes. Then told me that she has 5 Boxer dogs in that cemetary. All had major health problems requiring lots of love and care and thousands of dollars of highly specialized vet care. I have heard a lot of dog stories but have never seen such above and beyond care from beginning to end.
The cost of burial at that cemetary is about $2,000. Amazing. That's on top of knee replacements and heart surgery and oncologists.

The Lord wanted me to know these things about this wonderful woman.

I think I'm a pretty good "pet parent" and do think of my dogs as a member of my family, I do spoil them and talk to them as though they understand, and I do marvel at their level of understanding, but when I receive a diagnosis of terminal cancer for them, I will wait until there is pain and discomfort, loss of quality of life, but will not put my beloved animals through chemo or radiation or even surgery. There will come a time when I will have them put down before they suffer too much.

Even though Dogs do not get a lot of great press in the Word of God, it will not surprise me if the Lord has them waiting for me in heaven. Animals in general are blessings in scripture, and the Lord had Noah go to a lot of trouble for them.
T and R are great ministers to me. When they do leave me, I will pray for the next dogs that the Lord has for me because I believe that He will give me the desires of my heart. He is the One who has given me the passion and appreciation for them.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

you never know

Beautiful day, beautiful evening complete with red sunset.
After massage therapy, went to get some dinner. Ate it in the park, near the chapel where I was married. Started walking in the pet cemetary. Sweet sentiments on the stones. Beloved pet names with love from mommy and daddy. Found a headstone with a name of a good dog named Bailey. "Loved by Marilyn and Bill Bremer."
I work with Marilyn Bremer. Cant wait to ask her tomorrow if her husband is named Bill and if she once had a dog named Bailey.

There are a lot of coincidences lately.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Had an interesting Surprise visit from the woman who used to visit her grandparents in this house many years ago. She was late forties, and her memories go back to the sixties. Fun to get her recollections of what the house meant to her. Dining room was all table and family. Grandmother never sat down serving the food. The place was called "Woodbrook." The pond had a family of beavers back then too. I was glad she and her friend came. That is something I would have done, but except it was 8:30 PM, the house was dark, and the porch was dark and we are set way off the road. I dont think I would have done that. Invited her to come back in the day time. Some of the daffodils that Mrs. Wood planted are still coming up year after year. Granddaughter really wanted to see the basement. I love when inner child comes out. That's what that was you know.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Gorgeous Spring Sunday

Took T and R through the drive-through at McDonalds. Just ordered two burgers, no bun, no condiment. "for the dogs" I said. It blew their little minds. R is not too keen on going in the car, she always says, "no thanks, I'll stay right here till you get back." But this time, I convinced her by picking her up and placing her in the back seat. T needed no coercing. First I had to stop at CVS to get m&ms for the office candy bowl, which I have to lock up at night because the night security guard cleans me out. Last week, Shirley, co-secretary, reported my gum balls missing. Lotta good that does. She reports the missing gum balls to the security desk. "If they take gum balls, what is next, where do they draw the line?" Certainly not with m&ms so, I lock them up at night. Confidential, prioritary papers can stay right out on the desk though.

Anyway, T and R are the best dogs in the world, and I don't do things like this often enough. They used to go with us all the time on our Sunday drives. I dont even go on our Sunday drives anymore. They got a lot of attention on our outings. I used to walk them a lot in the neighboroods and around the park too. T developed a heart murmer a couple years ago and couldnt make it too far without being out of breath. So now R and I just play ball a lot in the yard. She begs me. If I come home from work, exhausted, she will stand on my chest and stare at me. Bore a hole in me to get me to take her outside and throw that ball. She barks with delight when she finally wins her game of charades. Their whole life is one big game of charades. I use a ball thrower. It's an extention of your arm. It works well for me, but I have to use my left arm now to throw because my right arm hurts a lot. T goes out with us, but just barks (cheers) for R as she Always gets the ball. She is serious about the ball. Teddy will get it if I tell them the ball is too far away for me to get it as R drops it upon her return. "I cant get that" I say if it is more than 10 feet away. Then T will bring it the rest of the way to me. He's the smart one, R is the Jock. T doesnt really understand the game of fetch. He thinks if I throw it, I should go get it. He'll cheer for me, though.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

1963 Picture of Inner Child

This is Mary Donna on her best behavior.

Rainy Saturday

I don't mind. I have plenty to do in the house. Recovering from the work week. Cleaning, organizing...that work is never done. As long as it is cool and not humid, I'm happy. Anyone else dread the heat and humidity of the coming season? I do. Trapped in the house with the AC and fan on, waiting until blessed November.

I've become way too attached to my electronic toys. This computer, my ipod, my dvr, my cell phone! I think I'm having a second or third childhood. I am even addicted to a certain video game. It's relaxing. Remember when your Toys were so important? Playing outside? My bike was a permanent attachment to my body. I have a bike too, but it needs work before I can ride it again. I will put that on my list of to do. Unless I have it on the list, it won't get done. You too?

Friday, April 07, 2006


How to start? Welcome to my random thoughts and stories and interests that are my life.
If you connect with any of it, leave a post. Love to hear from you.

Location: Outside Philadelphia
Worldview: Born again Christian and American Patriot. That makes me fascinated with the distant past and the distant future.
Married to a Psychiatrist who does not share my world view or interests.

I am 50 years old, more than halfway through this earthly journey, certainly.

Presently, I'm an administrative assistant at a major pharmaceutical company and am proud to work there.

In the past, I was a teacher. I taught Kindergarten and Fourth Grade and now teach 5th Grade Sunday School.

I am an artist. Passionate about watercolor. Working on improving my drawing skills so I can represent the things I love better through color. The only time I can really paint peacefully is on Sunday and on vacations, which are rare.

I'm an empty nester. I have two grown daughters. My oldest is 27 and on her way to being a professional librarian. She is married and lives in Virginia. My youngest is a newly graduated nurse. Couldnt be prouder of both of them. Although we dont see each other nearly often enough, we are close via phone and internet.

I am owned by two Shetland Sheepdogs. Teddy and Robin. Teddy is 12 this year and Robin is 10. I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to them, but know that they are not with me for too many more years. Trying to be realistic. My daughters think of them as siblings. We also have a cat named Tammy Faye.