Saturday, April 22, 2006


Celebrated Marie's birthday last night. Had a great meal and a great time with cousins Joanne and Marie. Marie is a wonderful person. I love her a lot and am grateful that God put her on the planet. I learn so much from her. We always have a lot to talk about. Got her a nice pink petunia hanging basket, made a card and put beaded earrings in. Stopped at Joanne's first and waited for Marie to get off work, then met Marie at the restaurant. Went to Marie's house after. Their homes look so beautiful. Great evening. Needed that.

My daughter Renee had her interview with Children's Hospital of Philadelphia yesterday. We are hoping that she gets that position. It will start in August.
That is the month that things change at work too. Major reorganization that will scatter this dysfuntional department that I work in. I have been working so hard since I arrived in January, and lately even harder than usual with the move about to take place May 5. So many things need to be arranged, sorted through and re-filed and even destroyed. My boss called me into her office with the union rep, shut the door and wanted to intimidate me with all that. She had a complaint. I was asked to destroy a binder and all of it's contents and I kept a comic and cut it out and put it on my cube wall. I thought she would be amused and even complimented. No. She had a problem with that and said that it caused to doubt she can trust me. I was silent for a long time, unbelieving. Then apologized. "didnt think" This woman is so strange that it is hard to believe. I should be receiving commendations for a job well done above and beyond expectations. No other boss that I have ever had would have had time to even notice a comic on a wall let alone care. Meanwhile, she's working as little as possible. Surfs the net, goofs off with her chosen few friends. Worst manager I have ever seen, and that is saying something! I am highly complimented that this is all she could find wrong in a month of really looking since I grieved her unreasonable behavior of last month. I can not wait to get away from her. I did bid out on another position in Experimental Medicine that I really want, but have not yet heard anything yet. Will start bidding out on anything that comes up on the boards starting Monday. If I have to leave the union or the company I will not hesitate. There has to be another place in this world where I am needed and even appreciated. So tired of this department and all of its troubles.

So, lots of changes on the horizon. Looking forward to what is to come, even though it might be a bit bumpy for a bit.


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