Appendix out
I started to feel sick on December 3. I was in pain for 3 days before making a doctor appointment. I thought I had just pulled a muscle in my abdomen. While trying to get out the door to get to the appointment, I passed out, and husband found me, and got me to the doctor. He called an ambulance and I was on my way to the hospital. I was out of surgery by 9:30 PM on December 6. It had "burst" and was gangrenous, according to the surgeon.
The ambulance ride was fun, but it was all downhill after that. The hospital stay was not as much fun as my two c-sections 25 and 28 years ago. This recovery has been much harder than I expected. I have not felt like doing much of anything. Christmas was a bit of a blur, but I did have some fun and some joyous moments. Stayed at cousin Marie's house for some time after coming home from the hospital. Spent some time with her son and his new fiancé from Italy. That was a bright spot in the month for me. The wedding is in July in Genoa. Would love to attend.
I have a lot to look forward to. I have my own daughter's wedding to look forward to in the fall. Renee and Jason will be married on September 19, 2008. That will be fun to celebrate.
So, I am on the mend at this point, and will be starting my independent study of Genesis and Pentateuch studies as soon as my textbook commentary arrives. I'll be back to work on January 2, ready or not. I'm looking forward to that.
In a weird coincidence, my mother's appendix flared up while I was in the hospital a few weeks ago. She was put on strong antibiotics and it has settled down, but will need to come out in early January.
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