Good Friday

This is a picture of me at age 4. I like it a lot. Having some trouble posting pictures, message says it's always illegal characters or too many characters.
Great day off. Cell phone still sounds alarm even when set to "meeting". Rested and recovered from work all morning. Went to the doctor in the rainy afternoon. Dr. ordered a bunch of tests and had lots of suggestions for other doctors. Recommended a counsellor. I guess they dont like to give a script for anti depressants unless pt is seeing a counsellor. I'm not opposed, but I just wonder what anyone can do for me at this point. I would rather spend the money on massage therapy. Linda does the best job for me and will listen to me too if I feel like talking. If you ever get your internet up and read this Linda, HI, and thanks for all you do!! Better than a bunch of doctors and meds.
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