Monday, July 24, 2006

Beach Report OCMD 2006

The beach was great. Every day, no schedule but to get to the beach, get back when hungry, and then back to the beach till dinner. The nephews were great, fun to get to know, and hang out with. We all needed to get away just to rest and that was accomplished. We ate at the condo often and only went out a couple of times in the week. Great weather every day. Hot and humid, but the wind was always blowing and that means no bugs at the beach.

I didnt paint as much as I had planned as there were too many distractions, but if it had rained, I was prepared. We did get to see Pirates, Dead Man's Chest, and it was completely awesome. Looking forward to the Third Pirate Movie....

Here are the nephews who loved the movie.

And the cousin who didn't:

OH and one last vacation note: If I want to have spaghetti with a hot dog or Spaghetti with HOT FUDGE sauce with candy sprinkles and maple syrup, I will because I AM ON VACATION!!!

Back to work today, unpacking my cube in my new department and right back to work.
Although many were on vacation, I was welcomed back with open arms. There are always problems to untangle and today was no exception. Printer didnt want to connect, people trying to get us to make travel plans with sketchy information and then they are out of touch to ask crucial questions. I love it. I love having someone ask me to do something and then turning over that request, hand them what they want quickly and accurately. I love my vacation and I love my job. I dont like my life though.
Discuss amongst yourselves....

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Off to the beach. See you next week.

Had my last day in my department on Friday. They really made me feel special. I will miss most of these people. Flowers, breakfast, cards, they even gave me money. I really didnt expect all this.

Off to the beach. Back next week with details. Going with cousin Marie and her nephews, Tom and Ev. I made lists, planned, shopped, cooked, and packed. Getting an early start tomorrow. Very early, before sunrise. Looking forward to this.

OCMD, 141 Street Beach. I'll have my cell with me.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Finally the End

On Friday I will end my job in my present department. This has been the dumbest six months of my life. I'm sure I learned a great deal, but I think I am too close to the situation to know the totality of what I learned at this point. When the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder subsides in a few months I'll be able to better assess. I am so tired of the lies, over hearing them, being the subject of them.

The department is a war zone. Most of the problem is hideous management. The rest is what happens when one needs to survive in a war zone. Gossip, sides, accusations, whispers, spies, loss of work, poor communication, lack of leadership, lack of team sense, and a simple but widespread lack of skills at all levels. One young worker actually wore sun glasses in her cube all afternoon because she had been crying all morning from a very public verbal flogging by the boss. I will miss the characters,the people who did appreciate me, but I am looking forward to being a part of the work on real teams, being closer to the science, and putting some distance between myself and this mess.

Included pictures of Judy Garland's red slippers in my emails to my new department because I am going back home. There's no place like Home. I am wanted and needed and ready to hit the ground running. Looking forward to being treated like a professional instead of a bad child trying to get away with something terrible.
Shake it off. Shake it off.

So, I'm leaving this particular set of circumstances on the first floor. So Grateful to God and whomever He used to help me escape. I want to thank my rescue team. I will never forget the day a few weeks ago in the middle of the drama, when I almost lost the opportunity because of treacherous Admin that new boss saw me and as he looked at me, I immediately knew that someone told him of the drama. Then I watched him pull himself away from a discussion, cross the atrium to talk to me. He let me know that he would LOVE to have me for his admin. My new hero. I will do anything for him to make his worklife easier. Children's Oncologist. What an honor to serve him and the entire CP department. I start on the 24th July upstairs on the fourth floor. There's no place like home. There's no place like home....

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Why Dogs Smile and Chimpanzees Cry

Great program. I highly recommend finding out when this is broadcast on your local PBS station. It's conclusions are what I have suspected all along, that the animal world of emotions and connections to each other are far more complicated than we ever dreamed.

My sister just told me a story about observing squirrels playing like kids, one was playing with a stick and then both were pulling each other off low branches. Reminds me that Jesus mentioned the sparrows, when they fall, the Father in heaven notices. Point being, if He knows about fallen sparrows, He certainly knows about you and your needs. One Sparrow mother built a nest on my porch in a birdhouse, and the look on her face as I discovered her. "What are YOU lookin' at?" "yeah, I'm sittin' on my nest of eggs, what're you gonna do about it?" I just watch. She gets upset when we are on the porch. She complains from a nearby bush the entire time I am outside.

I have enjoyed observing the animals in and near our pond. Recently, two baby snapping turtles were observed on the rocks. I always see the Green Heron too. His caw is distinctive and he is around often. The Blue Herons are less frequent, but I see them at least twice a week. They always watch me before deciding to fly off.
They look just like pterodactyl when they fly off. Gorgeous blue-grey color in the sunlight.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Birthday America

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by janeloughney

During all the flag holidays, and especially this one, I determine to spend time meditating on and learning more about all that happened in the lives of those who sacrificed so much to give us the nation that I have enjoyed these past 50 years. What were their motivations? I know what Book they read, and from the values that they held, many of them knew the God of Salvation, the Lord of second chances, the Author of Freedom. When they read the Book of Esther, did they take the words to heart of Esther's uncle, "perhaps you were born for such a time as this?"
Oh to be in on the beginning of something Great. They must have known. The human spirit can sacrifice and endure much in the light of holy purpose. I have a collection of books, and one of my favorites is "Killed in Action" detailing the last words and heroic actions of the Northern Soldiers of Gettysberg. Many knew Jesus as their Savior. Many left comforting words for their loved ones.

Being from Philadelphia, fiercely proud of living in the area of the turning points of both the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, I sense these struggles in an almost spiritual way. My brother just asked me why I specialize in the Civil War. I don't know. I have vacillated from one war to the other through the years. Even during the same holiday span. Driving in the area, I am especially drawn to the stones in the pre-civil war houses, imagining who chose the stones and who laid them in that pattern. There are a few things written about local history and I devour what I can find. Fascinating to read first person accounts of what happened right here where I live. There were a few skirmishes near here and I can hardly drive those roads without thinking of the people who lived here in that day and how they felt as they heard the cannon and gun fire. Here is a springhouse where a Hessian baby was born, and here is where they buried the enemy soldiers where they fell. This farmer used their headstones as a floor to his spring house and a back plate to his fireplace. Here is where a farmer found cannon balls 50 years later in his field. Here is where George Washington planned this battle, and where General Lafayette stayed when his leg was broken at the defeat of the Battle of Wayne. He was 16 years old at the time! The fog that I drive through to get to work is in an area where the fog affected these men too. Whitemarsh still tends to be foggy certain times of the year. I believe that the Lord used the fog at the Delaware Crossing that Christmas night to cloak the men and boats as they made their trips across to defeat the British at Trenton.

An especially thin place (where the veil between the worlds seems thin) for me is at Washington's Crossing State Park, McConky's Ferry. I have spent some time speculating there on the Great First President, sat in the same house where he had dinner that Christmas Eve. All accounts of this man tell us that he was very much in control of himself, his horse and his men. He had a "take control" attitude that demanded respect and admiration. One was compelled to follow this great man. Details are still being recovered by historians about all of the many facets of General Washington, but especially his spiritual life. I am looking forward to meeting him.
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by marydonnabaralt

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Operation Red Rover... Success!

I got that job. I am returning to my former department. It has been a long process. I've known since last Tuesday. Not sure why there was a delay because I should have been notifed before end of day last Friday 23 June. God always wants me to wait like that so I notice that it is He who provides and it is He who acts on my behalf. The pause is useful as a trusting place. For the most part, I did trust, but was annoyed in the process. I will finally get the raise that I was supposed to get coming to this department. Not sure why that was such a long arduous process either. That was a year and six months overdue. Retro pay is still promised. Large corporations move slowly, but this has been extra silly. The high levels never seem to have to wait this long for promotions, and they don't have to wait for bonuses, those are timed.

As for the secretary who tried to prevent this from happening... I went up to the department and appeared in her cube and said loudly, "HI HONEY, I'm HOME!"
I saw a Look of annoyed resignation. People have no idea what they give away on their faces.

It is none of my business why she did what she did, and rubbing her nose in it is not my intention, but I will not turn my back on her either. At some point, she will know what I believe to be true about what happened. It wont be a public comment, but she will definitely know that I know the truth. I rarely know why people do what they do. But there are times when I can't help but try to guess.

Now they will negotiate the terms of my release. This is the best game of Red Rover EVER!