Finally the End
On Friday I will end my job in my present department. This has been the dumbest six months of my life. I'm sure I learned a great deal, but I think I am too close to the situation to know the totality of what I learned at this point. When the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder subsides in a few months I'll be able to better assess. I am so tired of the lies, over hearing them, being the subject of them.
The department is a war zone. Most of the problem is hideous management. The rest is what happens when one needs to survive in a war zone. Gossip, sides, accusations, whispers, spies, loss of work, poor communication, lack of leadership, lack of team sense, and a simple but widespread lack of skills at all levels. One young worker actually wore sun glasses in her cube all afternoon because she had been crying all morning from a very public verbal flogging by the boss. I will miss the characters,the people who did appreciate me, but I am looking forward to being a part of the work on real teams, being closer to the science, and putting some distance between myself and this mess.
Included pictures of Judy Garland's red slippers in my emails to my new department because I am going back home. There's no place like Home. I am wanted and needed and ready to hit the ground running. Looking forward to being treated like a professional instead of a bad child trying to get away with something terrible.
Shake it off. Shake it off.
So, I'm leaving this particular set of circumstances on the first floor. So Grateful to God and whomever He used to help me escape. I want to thank my rescue team. I will never forget the day a few weeks ago in the middle of the drama, when I almost lost the opportunity because of treacherous Admin that new boss saw me and as he looked at me, I immediately knew that someone told him of the drama. Then I watched him pull himself away from a discussion, cross the atrium to talk to me. He let me know that he would LOVE to have me for his admin. My new hero. I will do anything for him to make his worklife easier. Children's Oncologist. What an honor to serve him and the entire CP department. I start on the 24th July upstairs on the fourth floor. There's no place like home. There's no place like home....

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