Sunday, May 14, 2006

Things I learned this weekend

People have a lot of trouble with the truth.

That Jack Nicholson line "you can't handle the truth" is repeated often because it is so commonly experienced.

Whether they ask you a question about it or not, people don't really want your ideas and opinions unless it already agrees with their own. But it is ok for you to hear theirs. Have you noticed this?

You really can't make fun of narcissists. They really don't do well with being mocked. Paranoids, same thing. So hard for me because they are so darned funny.
Comedy is an extremely important coping mechanism.

I have some of these people close to me. It is best not to laugh at them or have any opinions of my own in their earshot. It is best not to be too happy around unhappy people too.

So from now on, I will continue to draw my mocking cartoons but keep them to myself. Someday though, I plan on publishing them.

Taught 5th graders Hebrews 5 and 6 today. One of the most difficult lessons to titrate and relate to this level. We talked about the feeling you get when you know that you have done something wrong. That need to talk to God about it, but the fear of that too. Repentance and Confession and the lies the enemy would have you believe. (you can't get back so you might as well continue)

I believe in reading directly from scripture and then commenting and getting feedback so I know they are comprehending. Prayed alot in the beginning and during this class when the sledding seemed to get rough. I am satisfied with what they seemed to take away. It is such a joy to hear what interests them and the issues they think about in the Lord. One boy said he listened to Chuck Missler with his father.

This class is just hitting the good stretch now. I'll have them for two more weeks in May, then again in July and then a new group starts in September. They have reached a level of maturity, interest and self direction. They are able to formulate good thoughts and observations. They are able to notice and verbalize the hypocrisy that they see all the time from believers around them. From the idea of maturity, we got on foul language, and how that reflects on one's maturity in Christ. These kids hear foul language from christian kids all around them, daily. Sad.

I pray I make a difference in their lives for eternity.


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