
True Love and Forgiveness does NOT mean I am not angry anymore, it does not mean forgetting it, and it does not mean I just act like nothing bad ever happened. This LOVE that I am showing by my cutting off of all relationship is vital to the well-being of my abuser, my offender. Because if I stuff my anger, pretend it didn’t happen before, and if I keep walking back into the situation with him where he does more evil, then I am NOT doing what is best for him. This strong statement that I am making by not being with him in the same place is the kind of love that brings about eternal impact. I am actually loving my father in a more important way than ANYBODY else in his life.
I am saying to him “what you are doing is wrong, it has caused a serious breach in our relationship and you need to suffer the consequences of a broken relationship with me so that you “taste” death in a way that will cause you enough pain to stop what you are doing, and hopefully turn to Christ. A taste of death now is better for you than to be allowed to continue and have the first consequence of your self righteousness be when you face your Creator.”
I have been representing Jesus Christ to this man since 1973 and this is the highest form of love I can give to this person at this time and I only wish I had done this much earlier.
You helped me write it!! thanks.
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