Saturday, August 12, 2006

Pray for Jerusalem

These battles, this war will be looked upon for many years and I believe, into eternity as another major step towards the Tribulation as was 1948, 1973. If you carefully read Zachariah 12 and Psalm 83, I believe these are the days referred to in those passages. Israel: "Cup of reeling to the nations." The world is mad. If you see Israel as the aggressors, you are being taken in on the wrong side. If you believe that Hezbollah is the victim here, you are poorly misinformed. If Israel goes, so do we. England has not learned it's lessons of 1914, Balfour and the White papers. They screwed Israel, and they lost their empire. Today, they are blind to their enemies moving right into their land and fomenting hatred against them. The have allowed the building a huge mosque for the olympics in 2012 paid for by terror organizations such as Hezbollah and alQuaida. But you wont hear of this on alCNN or alCBS.

It is wise for you to find the places in Scripture to see what will happen next. How to get blessed by God, and how to stay blessed. The choices will become blacker and whiter. You will have to choose. God or Not God.

Choose wisely.


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