Treachery and Betrayal
How it hurts to be betrayed by a friend. Someone whom you have helped. Someone who knows about most of your life pain. An Admin with a great deal of power in my former department has gone out of her way to ensure that I not get back to that department. I have been trying to do this for the past six months and now one other admin has left and another is on her way out. They need me, the monitors and others want me back and yet this one, the gatekeeper, has very craftily gone about working behind the scenes to keep that from happening. It was by accident that I happened to see that "my" job was posted on the website. I bid on it, and it may have worked, I might have it in the bag, but have not received the call at this point. Normally in the union, the first one with the most seniority to bid wins the position, but in some cases there are exceptions. In this case, I was bumped from that position and there is a possibility to be recalled. I sent an email to her telling her that I can be recalled, and to not post it. Not only did she ignore my email, but hurried the posting, didnt tell me, switched hiring managers, told the hiring manager that he had no say in the matter, re-iterating the normal rule and not mentioning me at all. Meanwhile, she tells the other union admins who are my friends that "this could take months" to get this position through. She knew all along that it was in process, telling them differently, knowing that is what they would tell me to put me off. How deceitful, how treacherous. I will post her picture here as soon as I transfer it from my work computer. She smiles and talks through her teeth, prouncing my name, starting with an N instead of with an M. It's amazingly CREEPY. Thing is, I KNEW not to trust this one, but never dreamed she would go this far out of her way to hurt me. She is 68 years old, and she is about to retire? So then WHY? Envy? Power? Revenge for some unknown hurt? This is my job! Without this transfer, I could be without work as soon as August. She is acting stupid, but emails have been flying and so many know the truth, as it is apparent. She is just not that stupid. So, it appears as if I am going back to that department. I should hear today. If so, it will be weird working with her. She is going to know I am not buying her stupid act. She will know that I know what she did.

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