Sunday, April 01, 2007


Another class ended yesterday, Legal, Ethical and Moral class for counselors. It was a wonderful experience, and yesterday's class was the best with all of the projects and skits being presented. There was a lot of love in that course, and the professor gave his all. It was obvious that he finds so much joy in teaching, and the heart of this teacher recognizes that and loves it. I was able to sketch all day in class too and that was fun.

Because of yesterday's all day class and the preparation it took on Friday to get all of the reading and studying done for it, today, I am in a flare. It feels as though I have the flu. Total body ache and exhaustion. I am typing this in a semi-prone position. It is 10 AM and I don't know that I will be able to get anything accomplished today except to rest up for the work week.

I realized yesterday, that many of the people whom I am very close to do not realize the extent of the problem of this chronic disease. Since no one can really understand, I stopped explaining it. I don't want pity and I don't want to use it as an excuse.

This flare started on Thursday night. Today's pain is the worst I can remember in quite a while. I can hardly breathe it takes so much energy. I have to ask myself on days like this if I am not also sick with some other virus. I am never really sure. But I know I have expended a lot of energy recently, so it is probably just a flare.

I am hoping that typing about this and not whining to someone else will be helpful.


At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment! It was a long process of me figuring out it was spiritual...did you see this post?

It follows my discovery. Also, during the course of my serious prayers about all of it, I really was impressed to only eat organically, which I have (mostly) done. Even if that is a factor in my healing, the decision to really do it was from God, so I attribute all of it to God. It was a great affirmation of my faith.

Just to re-iterate what I say in my blogs, I do not think that all pysical ailments are a result of spiritual attack, nor that these kinds of things are the result of weak faith, which some people may think I am getting at. For me, it was a spiritual attack, and it made me remember not to underestimate both God's and Satan's ability to work in the physical realm. I know that it is also a real illness. And I pray that you find comfort in it!! There is a link to a blog in my blogroll...Health Issues Unmasked...she has tips for dealing with chronic illnesses and suffers from one herself. Sorry this is such a long comment! You don't have to post it if you don't want to.

At 9:25 PM, Blogger Watercolor Sunday said...

Hi, I am so glad you posted! Thanks for your encouragement. I will be checking back with you. I'm in another flare currently, but hope to see some improvement as the weather cools.


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